上班和修电脑,庆祝一下本海上马车夫的Izanagi横空出世。CC: zack.
实际的AWS:改配置文件,修bug和ctrl cv。
欲望的演化 | The Evolution of Desire
I trust this email finds you well. I feel sorry for not contacting you the last week. Apologies for my radio silence last week - Amazon's projects have taken all my bandwidth. I am wrapping up my Spark task and giving them a presentation next week. I also got my internship extended. Because there's a new task for me: swimming in an ocean (16 PetaBytes) of log files. It reminds me of the Venus dataset, but it's equally, if not more, challenging and intellectually stimulating.
On hearing this task, my synapses are firing. Of course, they won't entrust an intern to conduct this scan. I still get lucky to be the person who drives the design, albeit only do some investigations on the existing solutions inside Amazon. It's still a precious chance for me to wave my hammer! But to be honest, I don't feel Amazon it's the right place for me.
I'm not sure if you remember my musings on button-up imperative state machine v.s. top-down Alonzo Church view. Let me regurgitate it again:
Some random thoughts: I got a very strange harmonious feeling these days: in the daytime, I work on Amazon and I have to be a bottom-up finite automaton focusing on prioritizing tasks to get my jobs done; but in the nighttime, I have to turn off that imperative state machine -- switching to the top-down Alonzo Church view -- to keep up with those scholars. These two qualia don't seem to be that incompatible as I previously thought.
It turns out, this harmony is actually a privilege, only achievable when everything aligns perfectly -- It's not fault-tolerance; It's no fault at all. And I'm skeptical about the sustainability of this fault-free state. The current market conditions are challenging, and Amazon is not immune. I can sense the pressure from my manager. Amazon, like any company, needs to innovate and move fast to attract customers, gain market share, and, most importantly, generate revenue. If speed doesn't necessitate understanding, even of their own systems, then understanding is deemed a waste of time. There seems to be a lack of direct respect for knowledge and truth. And their Leadership Principles, in my view, often serve more as rhetoric for controlling their workforce than as genuine guiding values.
So if I got to choose, I would still opt for the top-down Alonzo Church view. I am not necessarily saying I like it. But it's only through this perspective that I can hear the runes – I'm not sure what these runes are, perhaps they're what is referred to as l'Auguste Syllabe. I came across this French phrase from Marguerite Yourcenar's L'Oeuvre au noir. Of course, I read the Chinese translation, but I must commend DUAN Yinghong for an excellent translation job. And I believe a particular passage from this book accurately captures a cynical feeling in my head:
(il regardait de haut...); et les étudiants bruyants et rustauds, bien décidés à ne s'instruire qu'autant qu'il le faut pour décrocher une sinécure, pauvres hères dont la fermentation d'esprit n'était qu'une poussée de sang qui passerait avec la jeunesse.
(he looked down on ...); and the noisy and uncouth students, determined only to educate themselves as much as necessary to land a sinecure, poor wretches whose mental fermentation was merely a rush of blood that would pass with youth.
As always, I'm glad to have your guidance as your disciple and looking forward to the journey.
我在此给出我自己的实践:交流,以及尝试着理解;长痛不如短痛,不是所有人都要做朋友的——即使人们对朋友的定义交集很小——但是不把话说出来,互相觉得只有自己在牺牲,那大概只会让人们莫名其妙地成为敌人——人们对敌人似乎有着同样的情绪。原子化社会好就好在问题都提供了原子化的解决方案,没了谁地球照样接着转。没有共同经验人们是无法共情的,自然也无法支撑guess culture1,这是我在我这个世代生长得到的血肉经验。至于所谓的“阶级”,“一个时代的尾声更多就只剩下想要成为盖茨比而不得并因此卑微扭曲的不幸了”,盖茨比告诉了人们「破山中贼易 破心中贼难」,虽然现在看来没那么容易了,各凭爹妈/运气/本事,但是心中贼还是可以破一破的。
Explicit is better than implicit. 帕累托最优只有在信息完备才能达成。